Spiritual Formation is a process, but it is also a journey through which we open our hearts to a deeper connection with God. We are not bystanders in our spiritual lives, we are active participants with God, who is ever inviting us into relationship with him. (

Our next steps are intended to help attendees know the next steps to take to grow in their faith. We recognize that every person’s journey is different, and our goal is to help each individual identify the steps that meet their goals, not ours. We believe that your next step is yours to take, but you are not alone. Our next steps are:

Growth Track New Attenders Class | Practicing the Way | Called & Gifted

Growth Track

Are you new to Centerpoint and want to learn what the church is all about and how to meet others? Then, you should attend our Growth Track New Attenders class. This is a one-time, two-hour class. Whenever we have six people sign up, we will connect you with Pastor Mark and schedule a time to meet.

Why is it important to start with Growth Track?
  • It allows people to connect with a staff member or two. This allows them to be known by leadership. 
  • It allows people to get to know some new attendees at Centerpoint and begin some relational connections. 
  • It allows people to discern if Centerpoint is the church they feel God is inviting them to join. 
  • It introduces people to the vision of our church and how we help people grow in their faith.
  • They learn what Covenant Partnership is, why we believe it is valuable, and if it is the right step for the attendee.
  • It clearly outlines the Next Steps at Centerpoint.

This is a low-risk way to meet others and get connected to the life of Centerpoint. For questions or to get on the list, fill out the form below:

Practicing the Way

One of the best ways to grow in our apprenticeship to Jesus is in community. Every fall and spring, we launch Practicing the Way groups here at Centerpoint Church. 

The Practicing the Way Course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to
lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. The Course is the on-ramp to the Practices. You can find more information here: 

Week by Week

Session 01: Following Jesus
Practice: Develop a daily time and place to connect with God.

Session 02: Formation Part 01
Practice: Take a “life audit,” an inventory of all the forces that are forming you now and in the past.

Session 03: Formation Part 02
Practice: Replace an old habit with a new spiritual discipline.

Session 04: The Practices
Practice: Begin the spiritual discipline of Sabbath.
Session 05: Meeting God in Pain & Suffering
Practice: Notice and name your emotions in the presence of God through prayer.

Session 06: Healing from Sin
Practice: Confess and name your sin to someone you trust.

Session 07: Crafting a Rule of Life
Practice: Craft a personalized Rule of Life.

Session 08: Life Together
Practice: Identify your intentional community and begin to meet.
To participate in the next session, please register for one of the class times below:

Sunday Morning, 8:30am Sessions
Beginning September 15th

Wednesday Evening, 6:00pm Sessions
Beginning September 25th

Do you have questions? Fill out the form below to reach out to us.

Called and Gifted

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Each follower of Jesus has been called to do good works in the world. A call is not just for pastors and missionaries but for every apprentice of Jesus. You have a call. God has given you everything you need to live into and fulfill your calling to reveal the kingdom of God and renew your sphere of influence as a student, mom, lawyer, park ranger, or artist. 

Called & Gifted at Centerpoint Church seeks to come alongside each attendee and help them discern the good works, the call, that God has for them and then help them step into it.

More information is coming Fall of 2024